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Channels & Playlists

What is the difference between a Channel and a Playlist?

A Channel allows you to authorize other users to publish content to the channel. Additionally, channels support the ability for authorized users to browse your media within MediaSpace, while playlists must be embedded in an external site to allow access to others.

A Playlist is simply a personal collection of media items; that is, you are the only one who can add and remove items from the playlist.

How do I add media to an existing playlist?

Any media in MediaSpace can be added to a playlist. To add an item to an existing playlist:

  1. On the My Media tab, find the first media item that you would like to be in your playlist and select it by placing a check in the box provided.
  2. Click the Actions drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Add to Playlist.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the playlist to which you would like to add the media.

How do I remove media from a playlist?

You can remove media from a playlist in two different places on MediaSpace. From both the 'My Playlists' page and from the 'Add to Playlists' tab underneath a media item on the 'My Media' tab.

From the My Playlists page:

  1. Under your account name in the upper-right corner, select My Playlists.
  2. Select the playlist that you wish to edit.
  3. The media from this playlist will appear in a list. In the upper-right corner of each media item, you can click the X to remove the media from the playlist.
  4. You will then be asked to confirm if you would like to remove the media item from the playlist.
  5. Click Delete to finish removing the media item.
  6. Select the Save Changes button.

From the My Media tab:

  1. Find the media item that you would like to remove from your playlist and select it.
  2. Select the Actions button in the upper-right corner of the My Media page. On the My Media tab, find and open the media item you would like to remove from a playlist, select the Action drop-down menu located underneath the media item, and choose Add to playlist.
  3. Uncheck the box next to the name of the playlist that you are removing the media item from.

How do I reorder the media within a playlist?

  1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select My Playlists to go to the Playlists page.
  2. Select the playlist that you wish to edit.
  3. In the list of media below, click and drag the media item that you move and drop it into its new position.
  4. Click Save Changes to save your changes.

How do I delete a playlist?

  1. Under your account name in the upper-right corner, select My Playlists to go to the Playlists page.
  2. Select the playlist that you wish to delete.
  3. Click the Delete Playlist button at the top of the page.
  4. Click Delete to finish removing the playlist.

IMPORTANT: You cannot undo this action.

What are channel subscriptions?

Users are able to subscribe to channels for ease of access. If you subscribe to a channel, it will be listed on the 'My Channels' page. There will be a link to 'View Channels I Manage', where you can select a drop down list and switch to 'View Channels I am subscribed to.'

Member vs Subscriber. A member of a channel does not receive email notifications for new media added. If you select to subscribe to a channel, you will also receive an email for any new content added to the channel.

Note: If this is one of your channels, you will not be able to view a list of those who have subscribed.

How do I create a channel?

  1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Click on +Create Channel at the top of the page to begin creating your channel.
  3. When creating a channel, you will need to enter the following information:
  • Name: This is the only required field. It will be prominently displayed above the channel.
  • Description: This allows you to write additional supplementary information which is only displayed in the settings page.
  • Tags: These are used when searching for your channel within MediaSpace.

Privacy Mode

There are multiple modes for how users will participate in the channel:

  • Public channel - all users can view content (including anonymous users) but only channel members can contribute content.
  • Restricted channel - all users can view content (not including anonymous users), but only channel members can contribute content.
  • Shared Repository - by invitation only. Only channel members can view and contribute content. Members can publish content from this channel to any other channel according to their entitlements.
  • Private channel - by invitation only and only members can view and contribute content.
  • Moderate content - enabling this setting will prevent new content from appearing in the channel until it is approved by a channel manager.
  • Enable comments in channels - this setting allows you to control whether other users can leave comments on the channel.

After entering all necessary information, click Save to create your channel.

Note: The creation of Restricted and Public channels is limited to Faculty/Staff.

How do I edit the settings for a channel?

  1. Under your account name in the upper-right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Find the channel that you'd like to edit and click on its Edit link.
  3. On the Details tab you will find all of the initial creation settings.
  4. Click Save.

How do I add members to a channel?

  1. Under your account name in the upper-right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Find the channel to which you'd like to add members and click on Edit.
  3. Click on the Members tab in the channel's settings to see a list of current members of the channel.
  4. Click the Add Member button on the right side of the page to open the add member dialog.
  5. Enter the username for the user you'd like to add to the channel; to do so, begin typing the user's name or MSU email address in the Enter user name field and use the autocomplete drop-down to select the user.
  6. Set the permissions that the user will have in the channel – there are four possible choices:
  7. Click Add to add the user to the channel with the specified permission.

How do I add multiple members to a channel at once?

  1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select My Channels to go to your channels page.
  2. Click on the Edit link under the channel, where you would like to add the members.
  3. Select the Bulk Add Members tab.
  4. Fill out the settings for Permissions and enter a list of User IDs.
    Note: You can add in the user IDs in a list or separated by commas. You can export a classlist from D2L and copy and paste the list of users into the space provided.

How do I publish media to a channel?

There are two methods of adding media to a channel on MediaSpace–from the 'My Media' page and from the channel itself.

To publish media to a channel from the 'My Media' page:

  1. From the My Media tab, select one or more items you would like to publish by clicking its corresponding checkbox.
  2. Under the Actions drop-down menu, and select Publish.
  3. Click the Publish in Channel tab.
  4. Select one or more channels that you would like to publish to. Please note that you will see all channels to which you have permission to publish in this list.
  5. Click the Save button.

To add media to a channel from inside the channel:

  1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Find the channel to which you would like to contribute and click on it to open it.
  3. Click the +Add Media button, on the right side of the page, to open a list of your media.
  4. Select one or more media items you would like to add by checking its corresponding checkbox. Please note that items which are already on the channel will appear here with their corresponding checkbox already selected.
  5. Click the +Publish button.
    Note: If the channel is moderated, you will not see your media until a moderator or manager has approved it.

How do I approve media in a moderated channel?

If you are a manager or moderator in a moderated channel, then you'll need to approve media before it will be displayed in the channel. To do so:

  1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Find the channel that you need to moderate and click on its Pending link.
  3. Check the box next to one or more media items you would like to approve or reject.
  4. Use the Approve or Reject buttons at the top of the list to complete the action.

Where can I view channel analytics?

Please see Advanced Features for more information on MediaSpace Analytics.

  1. Under your account name in the upper right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Click on the channel, where you want to view the analytics.
  3. Select the Actions menu.
  4. Choose Analytics.

How do I delete a channel?

  1. Under your account name in the upper-right corner, select My Channels to go to the channels page.
  2. Find the channel that you'd like to delete and click Edit.
  3. In the upper-right corner of the channel's settings, click Delete.
  4. Click Delete to confirm.

IMPORTANT: You cannot undo this action. Deleting a channel will not remove media from MediaSpace.