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MediaSpace FAQ

A: No! ALWAYS keep your original files. When you delete something on MediaSpace it is not recoverable.

MediaSpace optimizes and transcodes your files to a web-friendly format. If you should ever need to publish your media somewhere else, you will need the original source file.

MediaSpace is intended for distribution and not archiving – we do not keep backups of your original files.

A: You will need the following information to successfully login to your MSU MediaSpace account:

To login to MediaSpace:

  1. Open the MSU MediaSpace URL in your favorite web browser.
  2. Click on either:
    • The My Media tab or;
    • Guest in the upper righthand corner and select Login from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your MSU NetID and Password and click Sign In.
  4. You are now logged in to your MediaSpace account and will be returned to the homepage.
    • To log out of MediaSpace, click your name in the upper righthand corner and select Logout.

A: If, when attempting to add a collaborator, you see an error message that the user does not exist, it could mean one of two things:

  • The person has never logged into MediaSpace. That individual must login to MediaSpace at least once, in order for them to activate their account in MediaSpace. If you add the person to a channel through the Bulk Add Members tool it will automatically add their account to MediaSpace, if it is a valid NetID.
  • If you receive the message in the Bulk Add Members tool, it is not a valid NetID account.

A: The collaboration tool in MediaSpace allows for joint editing or publishing abilities. You can give others the ability to edit your media items and/or the ability to publish your media.

The types of collaborators and their permissions are as follows:

  • Co-Editors - can edit the entry's details and metadata, trim media, replace media, edit captions, edit chapters, and edit slides. Co-editors cannot delete media or add new co-editors and co-publishers. Co-editors can see the analytics page for the media they co-edit.
  • Co-Publishers - can publish media to their entitled Categories or Channels. This option must be enabled by your KMS administrator for this tab to display. Group support may be enabled for the Media Collaboration features. When enabled, you can select groups that may be assigned as co-editors/publishers for an entry.
  • Co-Viewers - are only able to view media and do not have editing or publishing permissions. They are allowed to view unlisted entries.
  • Kaltura Webcasting Moderators - are also added through the Media Collaboration Tab. Only Media Owners can assign Webcasting Moderators for a Kaltura Webcasting event. Only after a Webcasting Moderator is assigned as a collaborator, the Moderator View may be launched through the Actions menu in the Webcast Event URL. Webcast Moderators may send announcements, respond to questions, mark questions in queues, and answer on air.

A: To change an entry’s media owner:

  1. Access the Edit Media Page. 
  2. Click on the Collaboration tab.
  3. Click Change media owner. The Change media owner window is displayed.
  4. Enter the NetID for the new owner.
  5. Click Save.

A: The view count is only updated once every 24 hours, so you won't see changes immediately.

A: If you see a video hosted on MediaSpace with content that is offensive or otherwise violates MSU’s Acceptable Use for Information Technology Resources policy, please call the MSU IT Service Desk and they will investigate.

  • Toll Free: 1-844-678-6200
  • Local: 517-432-6200

A: To delete media from your MediaSpace account:

  1. Navigate to the My Media tab. Your media will appear in a list view.
  2. To the right of the media item, select the Delete button.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm that you would like to delete the media.
  4. Click Yes to delete.

IMPORTANT: Once media has been deleted, it cannot be restored under any circumstances.